Monday, March 23, 2009

Life Long Friends

I just have to say that Im 30 now, and I just have been doing so much reflection. I remember growing up , and in school there was always an underlying pressure to fit in. It seems that the "group" of friends that you had were ones who had a lot in common, and other than them you didnt speak to many others. I have a handful of friends that Ive known now over 16 years! I cant believe it. And no matter how much time goes by in between the times we may not see each other, we always can pick right back up. We still can answer each other's sentences and love each other like family. The one difference I have come to realize now that we are older is that, I now understand that we don't all have to be alike in this world. And dont even have to be jst alike to be friends. There is such a respect there between us and reguardless of our differences or mistakes, we will always be there. I remember my mom telling me when I was young that when I got older i'd be able to count on one hand the number of close friends Id have. And it is soo true, bu the ones I do have are wonderful!!!


  1. TOO CUTE! Is that Johnathan's sister Amy? to the right? She hasn't CHAAAANGED a bit. You look cute in those headbands, where ya get em from?

  2. I am so so glad you guys came over for my big birthday. I knew it was going to be a very emotional day for me, because I"ve been working myself up about it for a while now. I've realized since Saturday how silly I was. LOL ;)

    Anyway, love you so much, so glad we'll always be friends!

  3. It certainly is interesting how much things change with age. I am one of the first people to look back on my "younger" days and say "oh to be young again" but would I do it all over again? Hell no! Lol. Of course none of you girls look a day over 24 ;)



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