Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Camera!! Yay

Ive been terribly ill this week and havent been on much. My grandmother is in town and we went to the aquarium today. I recently bought myself a new camera...(yay)...and took some pics. Cant wait to feel better and play some more!

I have an awesome macro setting and believe it or not, this turtle was about the size of a half dollar!

These fish were beautifl!


  1. Awww!!! I love your pictures!! Your camera really does have an awesome macro setting. I can't wait to see it in person!

    The turtle is adorable... and I REALLY love the picture of the trees...

  2. OH wow!! Awesome pics! Looks like you had fun :) I absolutely LOVE the first one!! That camera takes great pictures :)

  3. the pics came out gorgeous!!! What camera did you get??

  4. I love the picture of the trees and the turtle. The turtle looks big.



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