so, if you dont ever think of the afterlife, this blog wont concern you...hehe...but at my house we are totally open to the many possibilities.
You can feel free to click on the photo to veiw it laRgEr....I did no editing to the photos to create this "orb"
I have read many stories about the orb is said that sometimes a spirit can be seen this way. Usually in the shape of a circle appearing as a circle of light. These were taken on May 24th at an old abandoned house along the road. The windows faced the road..I walked around the house to look for a door (of course)...and took more in the house...with Dean as my watchman.
i took these pics was as though someone had just walked out one day leaving a lot behind....I love stuff like this.. :)
My oldest son thinks this is just weird...and creepy......
There are just so many places with an amazing past out there.....more to come
Yeah, I totally love stuff about ghosts like this and that is F-REAKY!!! The one with the baby doll... super duper freaky.