Tuesday, May 26, 2009

For no reason at all

I decided to take pictures of everything today....

Dylan making a wish....
there goes the wish

the kids and I walked downtown for a while after school.......


I felt totally safe because I had two Ben-Ten's with me......peace

We ate sushi :)~ well.....I ate sushi


Love this one of Keith.....

Fly Like an Eagle

More from Eagle Ceremony......


Mr. Roberto himself.......


Brotherly Love~....

Monday, May 25, 2009

~Memorial Day~

Went to the lake today.....the kids loved it...only took these few pics....

Love the telephoto lense..........and the effect it has.....


this random shot of a cutie-patootie baby girl....her family prob thinks Im a stalker.....

~To Keep in Touch~

Most of my family lives at least an hour away and Dean's mom who is very active in our family is currently many hours away for work....so this post is mainly for her...:) However I hope you all look and enjoy...........

Bobbie has the most beautiful flowers all year it seems..and I know she is wondering what her yard must look like without her there........

beautiful!! Took these this weekend so she could see that everything is great......

she can feel good about being 18,456 miles away and making that money.... :) jk!

I have no idea what this tree is called but I love the flowers and this picture....think I may frame it for her to hang amoungst the many great others in her home.......

and the of course there is Keith.. he is as normal as ever.....

....Dean and the dogs... :)

her sister is keeping her cats and bless her heart the female kitty is MIA...but she is always that way at home too, so we dont worry too much. But CatDog is as good as new....

Dean and the crazzy dog....and Keith who is the best dirt skateboarder I know....

and of course Luke had his Eagle ceremony and here is a really good pic from that....Mike looks real good, and was very proud......we miss you all and love you ..check back for more updates.....

oh...more gorgeous flowers

More than meets the eye

Today...(Memorial Day ) a friend and I took all the kids to the lake....ahhh stress..kids everywhere jumping and diving and screaming and crying babies....anywho...I will have pics of that as well but first since I am on a Ghost Hunting mission....check out these I took today on the way home.............

This house was awesome and I was too scared to go in....but I did look in.. and it was trashed. I took four pictures through the open door...and they arent good quality, but if you look.......

the pictures go in order,,.1st, 2nd..ect.....see the three orbs...? What in the world? Once again no fancy tricks here......

other pics of the house......

Pretty crazzy...all this in two days, I contemplated that maybe it was the lense...but they are not in any other pics...huh...makes you wonder...

~The Orb~

so, if you dont ever think of the afterlife, this blog wont concern you...hehe...but at my house we are totally open to the many possibilities.

You can feel free to click on the photo to veiw it laRgEr....I did no editing to the photos to create this "orb"

I have read many stories about the orb phenomenon...it is said that sometimes a spirit can be seen this way. Usually in the shape of a circle appearing as a circle of light. These were taken on May 24th at an old abandoned house along the road. The windows faced the road..I walked around the house to look for a door (of course)...and took more in the house...with Dean as my watchman.

i took these pics inside...it was as though someone had just walked out one day leaving a lot behind....I love stuff like this.. :)

My oldest son thinks this is just weird...and creepy......

There are just so many places with an amazing past out there.....more to come

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend

I pledge alligience........

Food....Fun.....and rememberance.........

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A day with the birthday boy

My baby is 5........ today we spent the day walking downtown Wilmington and doing all the things that we can never do with "all" the kids...hehe.

We ate at the oldest ice cream parlor in town........

We hung out at the children's museum......

We visited an awesome record store and sampled some music......

He has wanted to go on the carriage ride since we moved here...so we went!

Such a good day , and such a sweet boy!

Friday, May 15, 2009

My latest purchase

My new toy

Totally stoked and things are relly moving right along. Studio plans are coming together...still going strong in school, just staying focused. Check out my photography blog and follow along.....coming soon! Pictures of the studio progress...


My Stick Family from WiddlyTinks.com